d] = $forum_id; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); return $forum_ids; } } ?>fig['search_gc'] > $config['search_last_gc']) { // Tidy the search $cron_type = 'tidy_search'; } else if ($time_now - $config['session_gc'] > $config['session_last_gc']) { $cron_type = 'tidy_sessions'; } if ($cron_type) { $template->assign_var('RUN_CRON_TASK', 'cron'); } } $template->display('body'); garbage_collection(); exit_handler(); } /** * Closing the cache object and the database * Cool function name, eh? We might want to add operations to it later */ function garbage_collection() { global $cache, $db; // Unload cache, must be done before the DB connection if closed if (!empty($cache)) { $cache->unload(); } // Close our DB connection. if (!empty($db)) { $db->sql_close(); } } /** * Handler for exit calls in phpBB. * This function supports hooks. * * Note: This function is called after the template has been outputted. */ function exit_handler() { global $phpbb_hook, $config; if (!empty($phpbb_hook) && $phpbb_hook->call_hook(__FUNCTION__)) { if ($phpbb_hook->hook_return(__FUNCTION__)) { return $phpbb_hook->hook_return_result(__FUNCTION__); } } // As a pre-caution... some setups display a blank page if the flush() is not there. (ob_get_level() > 0) ? @ob_flush() : @flush(); exit; } /** * Handler for init calls in phpBB. This function is called in user::setup(); * This function supports hooks. */ function phpbb_user_session_handler() { global $phpbb_hook; if (!empty($phpbb_hook) && $phpbb_hook->call_hook(__FUNCTION__)) { if ($phpbb_hook->hook_return(__FUNCTION__)) { return $phpbb_hook->hook_return_result(__FUNCTION__); } } return; } ?>; // Additional tables ?> >; while ($void = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { // Take the time spent on parsing rows into account } @mysqli_free_result($result); $splittime = explode(' ', microtime()); $splittime = $splittime[0] + $splittime[1]; $this->sql_report('record_fromcache', $query, $endtime, $splittime); break; } } } ?>General Error

General Error

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Connection refused [2002]

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